Structured Literacy
Structured Literacy is an approach to reading
instruction that is EXPLICIT and SYSTEMATIC.
Structured Literacy instruction focuses on decoding,
spelling, as well as comprehension and writing.
Student progress is monitored at frequent and
regular intervals.
EXPLICIT instruction means
the teacher clearly explains and
models key skills.
pre-requisite skills are taught before more
advanced skills.
High-Frequency Words are IMPORTANT!
1. Those that can be decoded
2. Those that can be partially decoded. These have some parts that can be sounded out and some that need to be
learned 'by heart' (for example: said, does).
Find your student's words here:
Quick Links
Phonemic Awareness is the understanding that spoken words are made up of individual sounds. It is crucial for reading and spelling.
Check out Heggerty's page for some fun things to do at home (scroll down once you open it).
Find anything and everything about reading just for families!
Explore Reading Rocket's 'Literacy at Home' section!
Decodable Texts
What is a Decodable Text?
How Do I Read These With My Child?
-Help them recall what sounds the letters make
“What sound does an m make?”
-Ask them to tap the word
-When really really stuck, give them the sound.
If Your Student Gets Stuck
Read! Read! Read!
Enjoy Quality Picture and Chapter Books Together!